Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Update, With Photos

So, the babies that I bragged about a couple of months ago...yeah, they're starting to make their appearances. Last week, my cousin Sarah had baby Isaac. Did I make something for her? No. Oh, the strangling guilt.

Next, my friend Jodi's shower came too quick. I made a sweater for the baby. It looked small, but it works. Fine, no guilty feelings there.

This weekend I have a birthday party for a 1 year old. He's getting a cabled sweater, loosely based on Trellis from Knitty.
I checked my calendar and wholly crap, I have another baby shower on the same day. Do I have anything knit for them? No. So I whipped out my handy size 11's and off I knit. I finished the back and 2 sleeves last night, front should be finished tonight, (Thursday I'm cramming for a midterm)and I'll put it all together Friday...tada! Baby shower gift.

What is it with me and green baby sweaters???? This is the 4th green baby sweater I've knit in the last year. Why do I have so much green acryllic?

So why am I rushing around knitting with chunky yarn and size 11's? What have I been spending all of my knitting time with? The sweater for Hubs:

The body is done, the sleeves need to be redone. Ahhh, so close.

It's not going to be done for Rhinebeck, but he'll just have to suck it up. There's too many babies coming.

I also need to do the 2 front's for the blue cable surprise sweater. That's due at the end of this month.

In some serious bad news, we found out in June that my brother and his girlfriend are expecting again. It's a boy, but they were told that there are complications. He was diagnosed with Hydrocephalus. The specialists have little in the way of answers or hope for the baby. My brother and the rest of the family is heartbroken. I know I should make them something, but it will take a miracle for the baby to survive long after birth.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am loving the colors of your work! Everything looks great, I keep meaning to knit some baby things to have on hand, "in case," but I can never seem to work up the motivation. Maybe when the Xmas knitting is done, I'll start some bb knitting.

4:23 PM  
Blogger Sachi said...

I'm sorry to hear about your brother's misfortune. If you feel the need to make something for the baby, make it white and slightly lacy. Like maybe a little hat or lovely booties tied with blue ribbon. They might like to have something so personal to bury with him if he doesn't make it through. Or a little white toy. White is such a healing color and it seems to give people hope.

That being said, if the case is not on the severe end of things, he might just pull on through. Most children with early brain injury learn differently but not necessarily any slower. :-)

11:41 AM  

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