Tuesday, August 29, 2006

99 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall

Post 99.

I never thought I'd be able to pull this thing off for this long. Wow.

Thanks to the special people (not the short bus kind either)who have helped me keep this thing up and running. Some of you answered (what must have seemed like) the dumbest questions ever.

Tomorrow I announce the contest. It will be a 10 question quiz. Please number your papers from 1 to 10. Use a number 2 pencil and don't erase unless absolutely necessary. Cheating will not be tolerated. Most of the questions will be from my 100 things, which will be removed tomorrow before the quiz is posted.

And there will be only one prize- the 4 balls of Fixation, which I think is a pretty good prize if you like to knit socks. There's 2 balls each of 2 different colors. Maybe I'll toss in a set of the steel dpn's too.

I also got to knit for a short time yesterday- this is what I'm working on,Cherry Garcia from Hello Yarns. And have you seen this?? I'm dying to get my hands on it. It's such a gorgeous colorway!!


Blogger Christa said...

Congrats on 99 posts!

So, if you're removing 100 things, does that mean it's not an open notes test?? ;-)

3:22 PM  
Blogger sheep#100 said...

Congrats - too bad I won't do well in the contest - I love Fixation.

7:38 PM  

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