Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Post 100 Contest

Ok, here it is folks.

These are the contest rules-

1. The prize is 4 balls of Cascade Fixation. 2 are of one color, 2 are of another color. One person will win all 4 balls. They will be mailed out to you sometime before next weekend, depending on how long it takes for the winner to respond.

2. If you choose to answer the questions you can do so by emailing me- sunflowerfairy AT HotMail dot com. Please don't post answers here in comments. YOU MUST PUT "CONTEST ANSWERS" in the subject of the email or it won't get through the spam filter.

3. There's 10 questions. TRY to answer them. It's my contest and if you make me laugh hard enough then I might give you a sympathy add.

4. Those who answer all 10 questions right will be added to the pot.

5. You will be named here on the blog after I pick a name. You will be contacted by email also. You have 48 hours to contact me my email with your home address listed. If you don't answer by 48 hours I'm picking a new name.

6. You can enter as many times as you'd like.

7. The contest ends this Friday at midnight EST.

8. If you've ever posted a comment on my blog your name is instantly in the pot. My ego loves comments. Only comments from day one to post 99 are eligible. If you try to comment on anything after this post is added you will not be eligible. Please still try the contest.

Ok, Here's the questions:

1. The Boy was born in November, 2005. How many months old does that make him?

2. Speaking of The Boy, what's his name?

3. What Boston punk band did Hubs and I go see on our anniversary?

4. What's my real first name?

5. Name one maker of yarn that I've worked with over the last few months.

6. I have an alter-ego somewhere on the net. What's her name?

7. What was the heading of the first post I wrote?

8. What did I do on my birthday in May?

9. How many tattoos do I have?

10. Tell me the exact date in July that I showed off my shiny new swift.

Ok, I'm also leaving 100 things up, these are super easy with or without it. And, quite frankly I'm too lazy to remove it and put it back up. Plus, Sachi doesn't have that much time to answer the 19 question the removal would cause. lol

Good luck!


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