What No One Shows.
Sachi asked me to show my cables up close.
She said she always had holes. Sachi, that's the whole idea! Most cables have holes, even if they are machine made. No matter how tight you knit (and trust me, I knit tight) there's no way to switch stitches back and forth and not have holes.

I just don't lift up my arms when I wear my sweaters, that's all.

I suck at colorwork. I'm not afraid to admit it. My picot edging looks good, but when you get to the color change...not so good. From the outside, it looks ok. Not great, but ok.

Does blocking remove some of the "jog?" Because your colorwork looks really good to me!
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog...strangely, it helps to know that I'm not alone when it comes to colors jogging when they change (although yours is barely noticeable!) People have been leaving me websites to check--this one might help: http://www.socknitters.com/kickback/joglessjog.htm
Hapagirl, the jog is on the other side, and quite noticable! I need to work on it. Thanks for the site.
very nice cables...glad to know about the holes as I have holes in the cabled hat I made....
Hey, that's the back of the knitting - and it looks great!
For getting rid of the jog, I can also recommend http://knittingincolor.blogspot.com/ . It's a very inspirational blog for all sorts of color work.
that yarn is so pretty!
Thank you! I'm sorry it took me so long to get around to reading this. 'Cause, you know.... things...
But thanks for the pic! I wanted to make sure I'm doing things somewhat the same as everyone else. I taught myself and I worry sometimes about my technique. (Why re-invent the wheel?)
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