Thursday, July 05, 2007

Make That 3, No, Wait...4.

Four babies due in the coming 6 months or so! Eek! I love babies!!!

I found out last week that I'm going to be an auntie again. I'm not sure how I feel about this. It's a surprise (again, ugh, so was the first one) and I can just see my brother in a few years hating life. He has no job, no money, not married....things are rough and it's only going to get worse. He has such a dreamer's view of the world.

Besides that, my cousin is due in a month and a half. It's a surprise (again...see the pattern here?) and the baby daddy isn't even in the picture for both of her kids.

I'm going to make them something, I started my cousin's baby sweater yesterday. Her firstborn daughter still carries around the baby blanket I made for her a couple of years ago.

My friend Jenn is due in a few months. She has no idea what she's having, but I'm excited for her and her husband.

Robin, one of the New Haven SnB members, is due in a few months also. She's such a trooper, with strength that blows me away. She will be an awesome mommy, I just know it. And since mommy is a knitter, I can't, no, won't even use acryllic. lol

And Mr. Squirrel is out of the basement and running around our backyard. Atleast, I think that's him. There hasn't been any noise coming from the basement since yesterday either that's him or there'll be a funky smell eventually.


Blogger Christie said...

Wow, that's a lot of babies! They are lucky to have you knitting them something special!

7:38 PM  
Blogger Gauss said...

Sometimes it feels like everybody is pregnant at the same time. I wonder whether that's true, or whether I just notice the bellies more (is it my biological clock?).

11:00 PM  

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