Red Knock-Around Sweater-Done!

It's the perfect "knock around" sweater, you know- the sweater you want to throw on when you're just hanging out or a little chilly or on a summer night after a big bowl of ice cream. This is it.
I sewed the button on tonight. They're pewter moons and stars, purchased at Maryland Sheep and Wool last May.
I think it says something about my personality that the sweater's red. I'm not sure exactly what- but it says something, right?
The yarn is Kona Bay Cotton, from Webs. I love this stuff. I wish I could get the paws on some more.
I started a new sweater yesterday. I'm doing the Deep Breath Sweater from Webs with some pretty green rayon also purchased at MDSW. No photos yet. I've had to frog it more than once- that's what I get for try to knit while watching my husband drag The Boy around the ice skating rink. That's right- Jack got his first pair of skates.
And a helmet.
I love that sweater. I won some Kona Bay from Chickenlips (I think) some time back- it's nice to see what it looks like as something. I'll have to add that to my "to do" list.
That's a really cute sweater. Good job!
I think maybe this will be the year I attempt a sweater...maybe...or maybe next year.
LOVE your red sweater! So simple so beautiful! A classic!
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