Thursday, May 22, 2008

Spring Breeze Silk Blouse...An Oops.

This is the beginning of the Spring Breeze Silk Blouse from Kiparro Farm in Maryland.

The pattern is wrong. I tried repeatedly to get past row 1 with no avail.

I called Kiparro Farm.

Long story short, this is how the pattern is supposed to be written:

Row 1 (right side): K1, *(K2tog 3 times), (yo, K1 6 times), (K2tog 3 times)* repeat from * to * until last stitch, K1.

Row 2: Knit (Wrong side. Causes ridges to show on front of work)

Row 3: Knit

Row 4: Purl

As it's written now, you end up decreasing 3 stitches every row, which is obviously wrong. I haven't gotten further than a few inches so I can't say whether the rest of the pattern is a mess or not. I have a sinking suspicion that I'll have more problems eventually with this one.

I was told that the stitch pattern is a variation of feather and fan. I was able to google the instructions and that helped immensely.

Let me know if this ever helps anyone. :)

And thank you everyone once again for your support. I can only hope that all of you know how much you mean to me.


Blogger Yarnhog said...

That drives me bananas. I know mistakes happen, but when there are big mistakes, you've got to wonder whether anyone ever bothered to test knit the thing. I recently bought a pattern on line that only has about half a page of instructions total, at least one part is obviously missing (no instructions on how to do the neckline), and the rest is very unclear. And it involves steeking! I tried the email listed and my message came back as undeliverable. Aggravating.

3:16 PM  
Blogger Jen said...

Must get me some of that yarn!! Love it!
Thinking good thoughts for you and hoping this is all over quickly.

6:14 PM  
Blogger missalicefaye said...

bleh pattern errors! Lovely yarn, though....

9:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's going to be a beaut! Worth the pattern error aggravation.

10:53 PM  
Blogger Hunny said...

Happy birthday!
(it's now friday!)

9:40 AM  

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