Friday, May 30, 2008

Up For Sale!

The papers are signed. My house is up for sale. We're asking 239,000. It seems like an obnoxious amount of money, but now that I've seen the comparison report, I know we can get it. There's another house in our neighborhood for sale with 200 less feet of space, no eat in kitchen, no 3-season porch and an old bathroom for only 10K less.

Cleaning was a bitch. It was a mad dash to the finish. But it's done (really done...there's not a closet with all our junk in it anywhere) and the house looks fantastic!

My wrist feels so much better too. The swelling had gone down, but came back up last yesterday afternoon. I had been doing too much and I knew it. This morning it feels fine to bend it down, but to pull the fingers back hurts still. I'm encouraged though.

I've been meme'd repeatedly, so here it goes:

1.) What was I doing ten years ago? I was 24, living with a roommate. I was taking a year off from dating. I had just ended a relationship with Frank (there was a post about him a few weeks back.) Happy for the most part...from what I can remember. I was probably working 6 days a week at the photo lab.

2) What are five (non-work) things on my to-do list for today:
Get some fresh air. Go grocery shopping. Put The Boy down for a nap. Empty out the front closet completely (there's still some coats in there). And spend some time either knitting or spinning!

3) Snacks I enjoy: Chocolate, ice cream (Oreo), and honestly, there's never been a snack that I've refused.

4) Things I would do if I were a billionaire: Hello, big McMansion! I'd move my family into a big fat house. With an ocean view. And a large plot of land. (Oh, what the hell- I'll buy 3!) Seriously, I'd never wash any type of laundry ever again. Not even joking. I'd make sure that The Boy's education was top notch. I'd surprise the knitting girls with a trip to WEBS so that they can pick out whatever they wanted.

5) Places I have lived: CT, PA, NH

6) Jobs I have had: Photo Lab Technician, mail opener and sorter, office manager, receptionist, Mommy.

Thanks Jenn, Acornbud's yarns, and Sophanne.


Blogger Carole Knits said...

It must feel great to have all that house sale prep done. Good luck!

8:08 AM  

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