Thursday, December 04, 2008

Christmas Questions

I love these. Found 'em at Carole's. Feel free to join in!

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Mostly wrapping paper. I am one of those freaks who highly enjoys wrapping. I'm actually surprised that I haven't done any wrapping so far this year. (Damn you, term paper!)

2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial. Both Hubs and I are allergic to the real deal.

3. When do you put up the tree? I love this time of year so I want it up asap, as long as it's after Dec. 1. Hubs says no. I'll keep bugging him until it gets unbearable and he gives in.

4. When do you take the tree down? First week of January. Hubs does it when I'm not home. Otherwise I whine and cry to try and keep it up longer.

5. Do you like eggnog? Love it. With cinnamon.

6. Favorite gift received as a child? I got a bike once. I think I was 12. First bike. Loved that thing.

7. Hardest person to buy for? Definitely my father-in-law. (Ditto, Carole. What do you get a guy who feels he needs nothing, wants nothing?) His birthday is Jan 1, so it's even harder since we have to come up with 2 gifts. Having The Boy makes it easier. This year I think he's getting a calendar o' The Boy.

8. Easiest person to buy for? Me. lol. Yes, I buy myself one gift every year. No actually, the easiest is The Boy. He just wants anything fun.

9. Do you have a nativity scene? No. Although I'd love to see Carole's cross stitched one.

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Oof. I admit that I'm awful at this. I'd love to send them, but I hate getting stuff organized, picking a photo, writing the addresses and don't you know- I always forget someone.

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? A pair of women's XXL boxers, you know- the kind you can sleep in? Yeah, I was a size 6 at the time. They had the tag on them still. $1.99. Not even joking.

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? A Christmas Story. Watched it last night. I also love Badder Santa. Perfect for when I start to get all anal about the holidays.

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Late Oct/early Nov. I also look throughout the year to see if I can come up with the perfect gift, especially at my mom's craft shows. I love supporting homemade and it's possible that the craftspeople may not have what you need come Dec.

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Yeah, probably. But not in a really, really long time.

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Christmas cookies!

16. Lights on the tree? Yep. More the merrier!

17. Favorite Christmas song? Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses. I get chills when I hear O Holy Night by Josh Grobin.

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? We're staying home both Christmas Eve (my family) and Christmas Day (Hubs' family).

19. Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer? I had to look it up.

20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? I'm awful at the suspense. One year Hubs and I exchanged on Thanksgiving morning. Not even kidding. It helps that he is a last minute shopper (annoying too, if I might add) so we can't exchange. It also helps that my fam comes Christmas Eve, so the gifts I get from them helps to kill some of the overwhelming need to open and share.

21. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Mean people in the stores. I just want to say to them, "Look. We're all tired, we're all hot, we're all spending money we don't have. You being an asshole to me doesn't make the whole experience any easier."

22. Favorite ornament theme or color? I love buying ornaments on any trips or special occasions that come up throughout the year. Those reminders are always my favorite.

23. What do you want for Christmas this year? A fancy weather station, with a rain gauge and wind speed thingy. Stop laughing, I'm a dork in other ways besides knitting.

24. Angel on the tree top or a star? Star.

25. Favorite Christmas dinner? Beef.


Blogger Baby Beth said...

So cute! I might just steal this survey and tweak it a bit to fit my needs... :D

7:53 PM  
Blogger Carole Knits said...

I watched A Christmas Story last night, too. I was psyched when I saw that it was on! I'll see what I can do about photos of my nativity.

9:25 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

A Christmas Story is one of my family's favorite movies. We bought my Dad a genuine Christmas Story Leg Lamp for X-mas a couple years ago. I love Christmas time! Glad you've got the X-mas spirit too.

3:14 PM  

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