Friday, December 05, 2008

Movin' Right Along...

The back is almost done on Terrazzo.
I still think it's going to be huge on me, but we'll see once we block it. I shouldn't judge a piece based on what it looks like unblocked. Plus, I'm meaning to wear it as a jacket, with a long sleeve shirt under it. Some extra room wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.
In any case- serious, serious love.
What I do not love is this yarn.
It's Wild Apple Hill Farm's 100% wool, purchased at NYSWF this past year.

I will admit that it was cheap- I think it was $5.00/skein for 210 yards. The color is stunning. I love blues...always have. I think the color and the price are the only things going for it.

It is very rustic. Very. I'm constantly stopping to pick out pieces of whatever crap is attached to the yarn. I know some of it is ok, but this is more than just some vm.

There's a ton of knots. Sometimes it's only one of the two plies. I personally don't like knots so I cut them out and spit splice the pieces. It takes time...time that I should have spent knitting.

There is no give to the yarn. My fingers, wrists, and palms hurt from working with it. I stop every few rows to stretch and take a breath. My wrist hasn't hurt in a long time, even with more time spent knitting. I'm dreading the cabling part of this project. Perhaps I should do the sleeves next and then the fronts. (That's one of my secrets. Do the easy stuff first so you feel guilty when you put it down.)

I didn't knit most of the weekend or Monday. On Weds. I decided to give myself a decent jump on this project and don't regret it. Now it's back to the paper though.

Busy weekend ahead- Bunco with the neighborhood ladies tonight, tomorrow a party at a friend's house and Sunday is the final day that I'll have time to do the paper, except for finishing touches.

(Did I mention that I can't WAIT for this semester to end?)

And did you hear? Stitches East is in Hartford, CT for the next 3 years. The dates are in Oct 2009, on Hubs' birthday to be exact. I had plans on inviting a couple of out of towners to stay in the guest room, but now I have to think about it more.


Blogger Carole Knits said...

I bought some of that yarn, too, to make Dr. G's Memory Vest for Dale. I haven't started yet but I'm sure now looking forward to it now. Damn.

6:58 PM  
Blogger Yarnhog said...

I love the color! Too bad about the yarn. It's really odd to have a wool yarn with no give. I wonder if it was processed badly. And I hate those darned knots, too. I always take them out and spit splice.

11:33 PM  
Blogger Baby Beth said...

I can't wait for Stitches East!!!!

1:09 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

I bought some too. Sometimes you do get what you pay for. Rustic doesn't bother me so much as knots. Your Terrazzo sure look purty though.

4:52 PM  
Blogger weeble wobble said...


4:44 PM  

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