Further Proof of My Insanity
It's been bone chillingly cold here in the Northeast for the last few days. Normally I'd suck it up and take The Boy outside anyways, but with temps at 2 degrees at noon in the sun, I decided to do inside things. We went to the CT Children's Museum in West Hartford yesterday. Fun times.
The Boy got to pick one item from the store. He could have picked the stuffed snake, the cool magnetic rocks, or even the astronomically (hehe) expensive space men. Instead he choose bubbles.
He was adament that he wanted the bubbles. They were 30% off. How can I argue with him?
So, we walked into the door at the house, he begged to play bubbles. What's a mom to do except let him play?
In his bathroom, with towels on the floor.
I didn't hear a peep out of him (with the exception of random laughter) for almost an hour.
Yes, there is soap from one end of the bathroom to the other, ceiling included.
But he had fun. And that's all that counts...right?
(Anyone know where I can buy bubble mix in the middle of the winter? hehe)
I've used a recipe with dish soap, water and glycerin. You can find glycerin in pharmacies (think similar to Apex) This website gives you some recipes and there are ones that use corn syrup in place of the glycerin. http://bubbleblowers.com/homemade.html
Make your own! It's just soapy water, after all. :)
Apparently you can make your own: http://bubbleblowers.com/homemade.html
(Some of those recipes seem like they'd make enough bubbles for an army!)
have fun!
He was inside, he was quiet and he was contained. Works for me!!
If he was quiet, it was probably worth it. I see that other commenters have already linked to recipes...looks like you have a recipe for quiet time!
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