Saturday, January 03, 2009

Looking Ahead.

So there are some things I'd like to accomplish this year. Here's a list of fiber related items, in no particular order:
  • Finish all of my unfinished projects, including Hubs' sweater.
  • What I don't finish in a timely fashion, frog.
  • Knit more mittens using DPN's. I hate dpn's, so this could be a challenge.
  • Go to less fiber shows, but more fiber classes and workshops.
  • Make one Christmas gift every other month. I got away from doing gifts and I missed it this year.
  • Knit more lace.
  • Knit more colorwork.
  • Finish what I start- every project. Doesn't mean that I have to strictly work on one thing, but I looked at 2008 and realized that I didn't finish a lot of work.
  • Blog more. I want to say that I could blog daily, but that's just not going to happen. I will blog more though.

I might add more things, but right now- that list seems like a good start. Think I'm missing something? Let me know.

I started a new sweater last night. Sweaterbabe's Lush and Lacy. I'm doing it in Schaefer's almond colored Miss Priss, the best damn wool ever.

Oh- and the mess of blue yarn that I didn't want to discuss:

Surprise! No worries, just extra bulk being removed from the arms. Otherwise, it's blocking behind me. I can't wait to wear it!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You were teasing us with your wiggly pile of yarn! Can't wait for you to show us the finished sweater. From what I can see, it looks like a beauty.

3:56 PM  
Blogger Baby Beth said...

Ooh! I can't wait to see Terrazo in action!

6:27 PM  

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