Too Young.
I'm sad. My aunt, her mother, would babysit me when I was younger. Jenn was responsible for keeping me entertained. We'd spend time in the field behind her house, sneaking cigarettes and when we got a bit older, beer.
She leaves 3 children, one of which is about The Boy's age. She was married to her long time boyfriend on 6-6-06 (that should show you the sense of humor she had!) and they just celebrated 2 years a couple of weeks ago.
She had her rough spots in life. As a teen she partied (perhaps her younger cousin was by her side *cough*) but life slowed down for her after she grew up a bit. She graduated college, attending part time while working and raising her family. She was someone that I looked up to. She wasn't always graceful, but she told you like it was. Whenever there was a loss in the family, she was the first one by your side and the last one to leave.
I know death happens. It's part of the circle of life. But this is just so sad for me. I sit here questioning my own mortality, knowing that someday The Boy won't have a mom and Hubs won't have a wife. It really just makes me want to cry.
I feel awful for her family, knowing that they have to pick up the pieces.